Weekly Lifestream for March 4th

Weekly Lifestream for March 4th

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RT @novaspivack: The Evolutionary Manifesto — human evolution goes intentional – Interesting read http://bit.ly/4GDmJ [ericblue]
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RT @integralrising: Integral Rising resource page (integral introductions, graphics, charts, diagrams, glossaries, etc.) http://bit.ly/K7S86 [ericblue]
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Listening to Ineffable Mysteries From Shpongleland [ericblue]
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Research OSS+Commercial solutions for enterprise project portfolio management [ericblue]
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Interested in zAgile since it seems to integrate well with Jira + Confluence and is full of semantic-goodiness [ericblue]
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Any good recommendation for create web interface mockups/wireframes/somewhat functional UIs? [ericblue]
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I’ve seen MockingBird, EasyPrototype, MockupScreens…. what else? (more links) http://bit.ly/cl6wGJ [ericblue]
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Why the Internet will Fail – from 1995 http://bit.ly/ag7VsY quite funny [ericblue]
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Snake Oil? Scientific Evidence for Popular Health Supplements http://bit.ly/9dontb [ericblue]
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Actually, here is a *much* cooler interactive version of the "Snake Oil" infographic I posted (orig. from delicious) http://bit.ly/aGoeom [ericblue]
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RT @ShekhinahShaman: "The more one knows, the more one comprehends, the more one realizes that everything turns in a circle." Goethe [ericblue]
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Have there been any "smart" sci-fi/geeky movies since the Matrix? [ericblue]
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That are as good or better [ericblue]
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RT @ericschiller: Street artist is replacing or supplementing urban signage http://ow.ly/16Gfdx [ericblue]
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Suspended old computer in VMWARE… migrated VM to Parallels under Mac… and it just woke up and works. Now that’s seamless. [ericblue]
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After researching 50+ apps for software mockups/prototypes the simple,clean app MockupScreens wins my vote http://www.mockupscreens.com/ [ericblue]
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Just finished almost a full day of work…. does this mean I can stay home tomorrow (wish)? [ericblue]
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In the creative zone listening to some uberfast BPM electronic music… but alas time to go and chill out for the rest of the night [ericblue]
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TED video on how our "experiencing selves" and our "remembering selves" perceive happiness differently. http://bit.ly/dkKnqT [ericblue]
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Very interesting talk! The riddle of experience vs. memory [ericblue]
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Too much to do, plenty of time, not enough simple choices [ericblue]
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Don’t know if I’ll ever recognize that I can’t do it all [ericblue]
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RT @c4chaos: BG 161: Happiness – There’s an App for That – http://bit.ly/aXxzFv /via @BuddhistGeeks [ericblue]
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Apparently I’m a world famous hero http://en.tackfilm.se/?id=1267549371529RA59 [ericblue]
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Good tips.. well maybe except for #3 "Alienate everyone close to you." šŸ™‚ [ericblue]
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Checking out SleepCycle app for iPhone… track and graph your sleep cycle http://bit.ly/4DJ4ZI #lifelogging [ericblue]
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This should hold me over until my FitBit arrives http://bit.ly/GmCs #lifelogging [ericblue]
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RT @ddrrnt: Download Ken Wilber’s Integral OS into your Head http://su.pr/7kufVz [ericblue]
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Watching Faces of America…. fascinating http://to.pbs.org/6uCEvG [ericblue]
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And it’s interesting that 23andme.com was featured… stil a little steep ($500) for full genetic testing [ericblue]
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Amazing showing the genetic linkage of 12 famous people [ericblue]
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2 Responses

  1. Your lifestream is great Eric. Keep it up!

  2. ericblue76 says:

    Thanks Luciano! This was an interesting week.
    Any area in particular you like the most: tech, personal dev, ted?

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