Weekly Lifestream for February 11th

Weekly Lifestream for February 11th

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Great… just got more SPAM from Bill Harris (he must be branching out) "Secrets for losing stubborn stomach fat" [ericblue]
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Apparently there are some Secret universal laws on how to attract six-pack abs [ericblue]
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RT @adamsicinski: 6 Traits that Separate Winners from Whiners ~ http://ow.ly/140xA [ericblue]
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Fring is getting good [ericblue]
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RT @chuckfrey: Is mind mapping the "killer app" for the iPad? http://ow.ly/14bFt #mindmap [ericblue]
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OK, so THAT would be a good reason for getting an iPad [ericblue]
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Starting to evaluate Confluence and see what I can do to help with organizational knowledge management [ericblue]
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Interested to see how much of my own PKM experience I can apply [ericblue]
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RT @philoquotes: Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil. ~ Plato [ericblue]
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Moving from theory to practice shouldn’t take too much practice… in theory [ericblue]
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Just watched Super Troopers and now re-watching Ground Hog Day… definitely a good night [ericblue]
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Research some open source alternatives to Ghost for disk cloning (http://bit.ly/4kop94) [ericblue]
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The blessing and curse of open source software: so many options [ericblue]
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Used CloneZilla to create a drive snapshot of my Linux netbook AND Macbook Pro running OSX [ericblue]
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Nice that "it just works" and it’s free http://clonezilla.org/ [ericblue]
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Also going to check out fsarchiver (http://www.fsarchiver.org/Main_Page) thanks to a tip from @west_la [ericblue]
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RT @jackiegerstein: BBC’s 3D Documentary Explorer is a radical new way of telling the story of The Virtual Revolution, http://bit.ly/dkLdJG [ericblue]
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1st day back to the gym in 2.5 weeks… Ouch [ericblue]
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New geeky matrix-like Twitter background http://twitter.com/ericblue [ericblue]
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RT @Seahorsemystic: Screaming Chickens are creepy. | Ditto [ericblue]
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RT @AlanDavidson: “If you fall down…do a couple push-ups while you’re down there.” Jim Rohn via Randy Gage [ericblue]
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RT @BillGates: GatesNotes – some of my favorite Teach12 courses http://bit.ly/9AcxIM – … in addition to MIT & Academic Earth courses [ericblue]
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Just got my Wi-Fi enabled scale with support for iPhone graphing http://bit.ly/aUdwro perfect blend of fitness and geekery [ericblue]
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When I get some more ‘blogging free time’ I plan on doing some posts on personal informatics/devices (FitBit, WiThings, etc.) [ericblue]
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Sometimes amazed at the level of chaos involved managing the level of chaos ….* <singularity> * [ericblue]
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RT @GeorgeDvorsky: lolz – SyFy Rebranding Makes Time Magazine’s Top 10 Worst Corporate Name Changes http://bit.ly/9k1vmD [ericblue]
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I liked one reader’s comment: "SCIFI is dead and SYFY is the Zombie that ate it." [ericblue]
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Watching the Ninth Gate … 1999 was an interesting year for movies [ericblue]
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RT @philosophytweet: There is nothing more powerful than the imagination of a philosopher; even artists are spellbound. [ericblue]
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RT @ericschiller: Perhaps what we need is critical positive thinking. | Positive Realism…. I like it [ericblue]
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Some days I feel like a stubborn goat standing in the middle of a flock of bleating sheep [ericblue]
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RT @ericschiller: Beyond Growth, might be a little controversial: Social Media: Moving Towards A Brave New World? http://ow.ly/15Hmy [ericblue]
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RT @IntegralHack: Why is it when one person is "manifesting," another person is getting screwed? [ericblue]
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Beautiful… AT&T voicemail has been broken for me for about a week… Can you hear me now?? Well, no. [ericblue]
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Business #fail: FTC: BlueHippo pocketed $15 million, only shipped one PC http://bit.ly/3GIJUd [ericblue]
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RT @mindmapdrawer: RT @_robin_sharma: "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." -Van Gogh [ericblue]
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Can anybody recommend good (preferably free) web-based remote PC control solutions (something like hosted VNC)? [ericblue]
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Oooops… apparently iPhone tethering hack may cause voicemail to disappear http://tinyurl.com/neosy7 [ericblue]
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RT @grahamenglish: Answering The Bush “Miss Me Yet?” Billboard http://ff.im/-fJQlU [ericblue]
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Trying out logmein.com right now and am super impressed. I may never go back to VNC again [ericblue]
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Waiting for my Wi-Fi body weight scale to arrive… gadget gets to tell me how fat I am every day. Wait, I paid for that? [ericblue]
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