Getting Daily Emails From Plato and Nietzsche?

Getting Daily Emails From Plato and Nietzsche?

For the past week, I’ve been spending a very short amount of time per day reading The Republic and Beyond Good and Evil. What’s unique about this is the fact that I’m getting this content via email. A new website called DailyLit is now offering access to over 200+ public domain ebooks (complete list here).
Whenever you visit their website you can select which book(s) you want to read, setup your delivery options (frequency and time of day), and provide your email. I was a little bit skeptical of the books via email approach at first. But, I think the real power of a service like this is the fact that it takes less than 5 minutes per day to read each email. This is certainly a refreshing alternative to wading through dozens of spam messages (even with gmail’s excellent filtering), and chatty mailing lists that I plow through each morning. And, within a few months I’ll have read a couple more books than I normally would have.
Hopefully, new features will be forthcoming and DailyLit will add an RSS delivery option.

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