Technologist, Entrepreneur and Creative

About Me

Hi, I’m Eric, an LA-based technologist and entrepreneur.  I’m passionate about technology, health and fitness, love animals, enjoy traveling and good food, and embrace life-long learning!  I originally created this personal website and blog back in 2004 to start sharing some of my musings and writings on technology, philosophy and personal development.  

Over the past decade my interests have expanded into many other areas – health & fitness, sensor technology, the Quantified Self movement, entrepreneurship, and continually exploring ways to push through boundaries – in the process I’ve been fortunate to have been able to experience, and build some pretty amazing things – interesting open source projects, helping build and launch successful companies, and continue to have my eyes and ears open for the next thing on the horizon.

Get in Touch

Here’s how to reach me on LinkedIn, Email and other Social Media sites

Things I’ve done

The following links highlight some of the most recent things I’ve done (personally and professionally) – companies I’ve launched, interesting projects I’ve worked on, talks I’ve given, code that I’ve written, cool events I’ve been to and social media highlights

Blog Posts – Original Content

Blog content of right now is mostly historical posts migrated over from my previous site (hundreds of posts mostly from 2004 – 2013).  While I am mostly active on social media (Facebook for day to day posts, and Instagram for fitness-focused content), starting in 2019 I do plan on posting more in depth articles on my blog again.

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Recent Posts

ChatGPT-Twilio-Java : Enabling communication with ChatGPT over SMS

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s been quite a while since I’ve blogged, or published an open source project! With ChatGPT taking the world by storm, and finding myself using it daily, I decided to[…]

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Artwork Focus: Tonalism

Reading Time: 2 minutes For the past month, I’ve been researching more on the Tonalism style of art. This was a very popular style of art in the early-mid 1800s to early 1900s before[…]

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