Project Archive

JSMF – JavaScript State Management Framework
Status: Not actively used/developed since 2004.  This was more of a proof of concept project.
Description: Provides your web-based applications with a comprehensive mechanism to maintain state. This solution is made possible by utilizing frames (standard and inline), forms, DHTML and an OO (object oriented) JavaScript API. The API provides a standardized way to read, write, and persist session data. Hosted at:

LDAP Benchmark
Status: Inactive. Source needs tested w/ latest version of OpenLDAP and upload to SourceForge.
Description: Benchmark utility written in C for measuring LDAP directory server performance. Multiple SDKs are supported for performing benchmarks (OpenLDAP and Mozilla). Hosted at:

Lucid Chat
Status: Inactive. Not actively developed since 2000.
Description: LucidChat, developed and founded by me in 1997, was one of the original web-based chat applications. It provided real-time text streaming through a web browser using a simple CGI interface. Many of the techniques used were the precursor to what is now referred to as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). This project is included in many CGI software sites and has been reviewed with many of the major chat solutions of the day. This product was reviewed by – ServerWatch. URL: 
Hosted at:

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